About Us

Cleanse is a closed system Colon Hydrotherapy service. It is  a small, family-run business. Our clientele is from age 10, both male and female. If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea,  parasites, skin conditions, chronic fatigue,  weight gain, back pain and many more problems, colonics could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Cleanse uses the most recent tools and technology. Cleanse uses disposable hoses and speculum, as well as hospital-grade antiseptics and disinfectants all TGA approved and in compliance with industry standards, Australian and Global standards for sterilisation and infection control fulfilling all laws and regulations under Moreton Regional Council. Both our facility and our Therapist are certified by GPACT (Global Professional Association of Colon Therapists), which is globally recognised. Additionally, Cleanse Colon Hydrotherapy has been awarded the Pillars of Excellence and Safety, which recognises best practices in the global sector.

What are Cleanse Colon Hydrotherapy Services?

Both men and women above the age of 10 are welcome at Cleanse. We are a provider of alternative therapy services that offer direction and aid for common digestive problems. What is a Colonic? When filtered, temperature-controlled water is gently inserted into the colon via the rectum, and harmful waste and toxins can be eliminated from the body. Your therapist is always present during the session and is available to answer any questions you may have. We also regard continuity of care very highly. You may be guaranteed that each time you visit Cleanse, you will be greeted by the same therapist. The more information you share about your issues, the better she will be able to assist you and customise your colonic experience and treatment plan.



It was time for a change after spending 31 years working for the Health Department. Initially using the Brunelle method of colonic delivery, I then studied further and opened my own business. I have over 23 years of personal experience with colonics. I am qualified, certified with GPACT (Global Professional Association for Colon Therapists), and insured as well as having a current First Aid Certificate and certificates in infection control and sterilisation. Our clinic is also the recipient of the Pillars of Excellence and Safety, which is also globally recognition for our high standards and quality of care.
Why Colonics?
A friend's mother initially suggested colonics to me. I had been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant at the time. She handed me a book to read and explained what colonics were. Like many I'd not heard of it before, nor did I know if services existed in Australia at that time. After a few years, I was still not pregnant. We had been doing IVF for years and according to our specialist it was hubby not me, as all my tests were "normal'. I'm not buying it I said, as soon as the embryo is transferred into me it dies, there has to be something wrong with me... We sought an alternative opinion from a naturopath. The naturopath advised colonics and informed me that there was a clinic in Nambour. Since it is only 40 minutes away I booked in. I wasn't sure what to expect and didn't fully understand how not going to the toilet regularly could be affecting my fertility. I'd had constipation since I was a child. If I went twice a week, I was lucky. Doctor's would say, “ You've been like this since you were a child, so this is 'normal' for you”. However, if I knew then what I know now, I'd have answered, "that's not 'normal' for anyone. But instead I simply accepted their word and put up with it. Discovering laxatives didn't work and fibre made it worse. It is a process, so it took a while, just as it had taken a while to get into the state I was in, but I am able to go every day without difficulty. No struggling or straining. When we had saved enough money to try IVF again, guess what? It worked. My son and daughter were born two years apart but were conceived on the same day, from the same batch of embryos. To this day I still maintain, I would never have become a mum, if I hadn't met my first Colon Hydrotherapist. I learnt a lot about my body, myself and how things work and are supposed to work correctly. This is only a portion of my story. I have a lot to share because I've experienced both morbid obesity and live with an anxiety disorder, which is why I'm assisting people in becoming more aware of their bodies. What is your story? Come, let me be a part in it and assist you in becoming the best version of yourself. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen, as the phrase goes, and for me, this is definitely true...

Meet our Therapist

Hi I'm Nicole. I look forward to meeting you, and helping you, discover your new "normal".