It is perfectly normal to be a little apprehensive about colon hydrotherapy at first, and naturally you’ll have some questions about the treatment.
Your therapist has lots of experience with clients who are new to the treatment and they’ll be happy to talk you through any concerns you may have.
How long does a session take?
The usual colon hydrotherapy lasts approximately 45 minutes. However allow an hour for your appointment. A small speculum is inserted into the patient’s rectum, this has one small inlet tube, running warm, filtered water into the colon and one outlet tube attached to the machine. It is very interesting to watch, what is expelled, through the viewing tube, just to see how congested one really is. Afterwards, you’ll go to the bathroom, it may be just water that remains, or you may have another movement in the toilet. Sometimes, when you stand up again gravity takes over and your bowel may wish to release again.
After a session, how might I expect to feel?
Most people remark on how clean and light they feel. Increased energy, vitality and feelings of well being are the common responses. However, occasionally some clients may feel a little under the weather for around 24 hours. If you have any concerns, or you feel unwell, speak to your therapist who will be able to explain your body’s reactions to you. Generally speaking as soon as your treatment is completed you can carry on with your normal routine. You may experience an increase in bowel movements over the first few hours, to eliminate any remaining water or waste. This is perfectly normal and shouldn’t involve any undue urgency or discomfort. After that you may find that you don’t need to go to the toilet for a while, perhaps as long as a few days, as your bowels have been emptied.
Does it hurt?
An impacted colon can cause discomfort, and mild cramping may occur as the colon contracts to expel waste. Once the major impaction is removed, many actually find a session pleasant.
What should I do before a session?
It may be more comfortable to refrain from eating at least an hour before your scheduled appointment. For the best results drink plenty of water.
Is it embarrassing?
NO. Our professional standards ensure that your dignity and privacy is maintained at all times during the treatment. Remember your therapist has been having colonics herself for over 20 years, so there’s not much she will see coming our of you that she hasn’t already seen coming out of herself.
Is there anyone who cannot have a colonic?
Contraindications for colonic include: Severe Cardiac Disease, High Blood Pressure, not controlled by a Doctor, Aneurysm, GI Haemorrhage or Perforation, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Active Fistulas and Fissures, Pregnancy, Recent Colorectal Surgery and Renal Insufficiency
Can my partner/friend come with me?
Absolutely, (provided we are compliant with covid restrictions), as long as you are comfortable sharing your release with them…
Treatment is individual, only one person at a time can be connected to the machine. However you are gowned and covered, so after connection, your partner/friend may enter the treatment room, watch, ask questions and learn also. They would then be asked to leave the room, prior to the end of the session for your privacy.
What is the Colon?
The Colon, together with the appendix, rectum and anus make up the Large Intestine or large bowel and is the last 5-6 feet of your digestive tract. It is a hollow tube like organ made up of muscle that moves digested food along by a wave like motion known as peristaltic action. The colon is the living area for a host of bacteria that produce vitamins, such as K and some B vitamins. The colon also absorbs water, nutrients, proteins and cell salts back into the blood stream.
What sort of diet should I follow after Colon Hydrotherapy?
Following large intestinal cleansing, the body may feel weary or relaxed. This is simply your body working out and processing through its cleaning period; so proper rest is important for your body to rejuvenate. After receiving Colon Hydrotherapy, We have experienced that it is important to • Drink plenty of liquids (purified or distilled water, juices, herb teas, and electrolyte liquids) • Avoid eating raw vegetables for a couple of days. Steamed vegetables are sufficient, chew very thoroughly.
Will Laxatives or Enemas achieve the same result?
To clean out the lower part of the colon, enemas are fine. But you are missing about four feet of the colon. Laxatives are an irritant to the body. Therefore, the body produces a thin, watery substance that goes through the colon and leaves behind impacted toxins and waste.
What are signs the Colon is not functioning properly?
When sufferers finally visit a physician, they usually relate a history of one or more of these complaints that go back years-constipation, coated tongue, fetid breath, shallow complexion, dark circles under the eyes, abnormal body odour, cold hands and feet, blood pressure up or down, brittle nails and hair, saggy posture (pot belly), tension, fatigue, allergies, indigestion, menstrual problems, swelling of legs, asthma, backache, and loss of memory or concentration.
What are signs of insufficient elimination?
The most miserable people on earth are people with inefficient elimination. Some of the signs of insufficient elimination are Constipation, diarrhoea, Bloating, increased and/or smelly gas, cramping, nausea, back pain, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, brain fog, skin problems (acne, eczema, psoriasis), weight gain, sinus and/or lung congestion, digestive disturbances and bad breath.
Does a colonic wash away ‘good bacteria’?
Most of the important bowel bacteria are present on the bowel wall and are not removed during colon hydrotherapy. Since these good bacteria breed best in a balanced environment, a colonic cleanse may actually improve their environment and increase their numbers. However, if your therapist thinks that your bowel bacteria may be out of balance, they may suggest a pro-biotic after your treatment.
How many treatments will I need?
This depends on your reason for having a colonic in the first place. Everyone is different, therefore their requirements will also differ. Generally a course of 3 sessions is recommended for the best results. Your therapist will advise you on whether you need further treatments, as well as when and how often you need to return. Session packages are available.
Can I have a colonic during my period?
Yes. There is no reason why the procedure would not be successful.
I’m pregnant. Can I still have a colonic?
No. Therapists do not treat pregnant women during any term of their pregnancy.
What about breastfeeding?
You can have colonics whilst breastfeeding, however it is recommended to express before the colonic and discard the first feed after a colonic, before returning to your regular breast feeding regime.
Should I be drinking more water?
The average adult should drink 2 litres of water per day.
More water should be added if you consume caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee, caffeinated soft drinks or energy drinks)
More if the weather is warm/hot.
More if you are exercising
More if you are taller then average or of a larger frame/build.
How long does a session take?
The usual colon hydrotherapy lasts approximately 45 minutes. However allow an hour for your appointment. A small speculum is inserted into the patient’s rectum, this has one small inlet tube, running warm, filtered water into the colon and one outlet tube attached to the machine. It is very interesting to watch, what is expelled, through the viewing tube, just to see how congested one really is. Afterwards, you'll go to the bathroom, it may be just water that remains, or you may have another movement in the toilet. Sometimes, when you stand up again gravity takes over and your bowel may wish to release again.
After a session, how might I expect to feel?
Most people remark on how clean and light they feel. Increased energy, vitality and feelings of well being are the common responses. However, occasionally some clients may feel a little under the weather for around 24 hours. If you have any concerns, or you feel unwell, speak to your therapist who will be able to explain your body’s reactions to you. Generally speaking as soon as your treatment is completed you can carry on with your normal routine. You may experience an increase in bowel movements over the first few hours, to eliminate any remaining water or waste. This is perfectly normal and shouldn’t involve any undue urgency or discomfort. After that you may find that you don’t need to go to the toilet for a while, perhaps as long as a few days, as your bowels have been emptied.
Does it hurt?
An impacted colon can cause discomfort, and mild cramping may occur as the colon contracts to expel waste. Once the major impaction is removed, many actually find a session pleasant.
How long does a session take?
The usual colon hydrotherapy lasts approximately 45 minutes. However allow an hour for your appointment. A small speculum is inserted into the patient’s rectum, this has one small inlet tube, running warm, filtered water into the colon and one outlet tube attached to the machine. It is very interesting to watch, what is expelled, through the viewing tube, just to see how congested one really is. Afterwards, you'll go to the bathroom, it may be just water that remains, or you may have another movement in the toilet. Sometimes, when you stand up again gravity takes over and your bowel may wish to release again.
After a session, how might I expect to feel?
Most people remark on how clean and light they feel. Increased energy, vitality and feelings of well being are the common responses. However, occasionally some clients may feel a little under the weather for around 24 hours. If you have any concerns, or you feel unwell, speak to your therapist who will be able to explain your body’s reactions to you. Generally speaking as soon as your treatment is completed you can carry on with your normal routine. You may experience an increase in bowel movements over the first few hours, to eliminate any remaining water or waste. This is perfectly normal and shouldn’t involve any undue urgency or discomfort. After that you may find that you don’t need to go to the toilet for a while, perhaps as long as a few days, as your bowels have been emptied.
Does it hurt?
An impacted colon can cause discomfort, and mild cramping may occur as the colon contracts to expel waste. Once the major impaction is removed, many actually find a session pleasant.
What should I do before a session?
It may be more comfortable to refrain from eating at least an hour before your scheduled appointment. For the best results drink plenty of water.
Is it embarrassing?
NO. Our professional standards ensure that your dignity and privacy is maintained at all times during the treatment. Remember your therapist has been having colonics herself for over 20 years, so there's not much she will see coming our of you that she hasn't already seen coming out of herself.
Is there anyone who cannot have a colonic?
Contraindications for colonic include: Severe Cardiac Disease, High Blood Pressure, not controlled by a Doctor, Aneurysm, GI Haemorrhage or Perforation, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Active Fistulas and Fissures, Pregnancy, Recent Colorectal Surgery and Renal Insufficiency
Can my partner/friend come with me?
Absolutely, (provided we are compliant with covid restrictions), as long as you are comfortable sharing your release with them...
Treatment is individual, only one person at a time can be connected to the machine. However you are gowned and covered, so after connection, your partner/friend may enter the treatment room, watch, ask questions and learn also. They would then be asked to leave the room, prior to the end of the session for your privacy.
What is the Colon?
The Colon, together with the appendix, rectum and anus make up the Large Intestine or large bowel and is the last 5-6 feet of your digestive tract. It is a hollow tube like organ made up of muscle that moves digested food along by a wave like motion known as peristaltic action. The colon is the living area for a host of bacteria that produce vitamins, such as K and some B vitamins. The colon also absorbs water, nutrients, proteins and cell salts back into the blood stream.
What sort of diet should I follow after Colon Hydrotherapy?
Following large intestinal cleansing, the body may feel weary or relaxed. This is simply your body working out and processing through its cleaning period; so proper rest is important for your body to rejuvenate. After receiving Colon Hydrotherapy, We have experienced that it is important to • Drink plenty of liquids (purified or distilled water, juices, herb teas, and electrolyte liquids) • Avoid eating raw vegetables for a couple of days. Steamed vegetables are sufficient, chew very thoroughly.
Will Laxatives or Enemas achieve the same result?
To clean out the lower part of the colon, enemas are fine. But you are missing about four feet of the colon. Laxatives are an irritant to the body. Therefore, the body produces a thin, watery substance that goes through the colon and leaves behind impacted toxins and waste.
What are signs the Colon is not functioning properly?
When sufferers finally visit a physician, they usually relate a history of one or more of these complaints that go back years-constipation, coated tongue, fetid breath, shallow complexion, dark circles under the eyes, abnormal body odour, cold hands and feet, blood pressure up or down, brittle nails and hair, saggy posture (pot belly), tension, fatigue, allergies, indigestion, menstrual problems, swelling of legs, asthma, backache, and loss of memory or concentration.
What are signs of insufficient elimination?
The most miserable people on earth are people with inefficient elimination. Some of the signs of insufficient elimination are Constipation, diarrhoea, Bloating, increased and/or smelly gas, cramping, nausea, back pain, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, brain fog, skin problems (acne, eczema, psoriasis), weight gain, sinus and/or lung congestion, digestive disturbances and bad breath.
Does a colonic wash away ‘good bacteria’?
Most of the important bowel bacteria are present on the bowel wall and are not removed during colon hydrotherapy. Since these good bacteria breed best in a balanced environment, a colonic cleanse may actually improve their environment and increase their numbers. However, if your therapist thinks that your bowel bacteria may be out of balance, they may suggest a pro-biotic after your treatment.
How many treatments will I need?
This depends on your reason for having a colonic in the first place. Everyone is different, therefore their requirements will also differ. Generally a course of 3 sessions is recommended for the best results. Your therapist will advise you on whether you need further treatments, as well as when and how often you need to return. Session packages are available.
Can I have a colonic during my period?
Yes. There is no reason why the procedure would not be successful.
I’m pregnant. Can I still have a colonic?
No. Therapists do not treat pregnant women during any term of their pregnancy.
What about breastfeeding?
You can have colonics whilst breastfeeding, however it is recommended to express before the colonic and discard the first feed after a colonic, before returning to your regular breast feeding regime.
Should I be drinking more water?
The average adult should drink 2 litres of water per day.
More water should be added if you consume caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee, caffeinated soft drinks or energy drinks)
More if the weather is warm/hot.
More if you are exercising
More if you are taller then average or of a larger frame/build.